
Sunday, December 1, 2019

Week 60

Hey Yall,

Elder Herrera is out. We had a good transfer together, but he's going back to his first area which will be his last area in the mission. My new companion is Elder Baldovino who will go home in February, so we should be together until he goes home. 

Umingan is pretty fun. This last week I saw some Americans from Pennsylvania, and because we saw them twice on the same day in two very different places I went and talked to them about the church (which is super difficult in straight English). They're just visiting family and brought their spouses. But it was pretty cool to talk to them. 

Tatay Jose is one of my favorite people in the world. He really wants to learn about God and LOVES the gospel and the things he's been learning. He's been a member of a couple different churches, but he was excited because since we've been teaching him he's learned how to pray. He has come to church twice and loves the things he's learning. I've seen him grow, as well as his ability to understand the things we teach because of his desire. He's learning that God really does love and know him and its amazing!

I love the work!
-Elder Collier

Picture 1 Us with Tatay Jose and Brother Nocasa who is his good friend in the branch
Picture 2 is me and Elder Herrera at a young women party we helped set up after ministering with the ward in the morning
Picture 3 is me at the border of Pangasinan (we didn't cross) which is the mission boundary
Picture 4 is us with Analie and her family (also super cool and have come to church twice so far)
Picture 5 is me with Elder Miller on exchanges

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