So this week we had zone conference on Wednesday. We got to go to Dagupan (not that any of you even a little bit know where that is but its another zone in the mission) and have a conference with 3 other zones in the mission. We have workshops where we learn how to improve our missionary work and also get free lunch (I was super sick and couldn't eat very much but it was still good). Anyway, when you get to zone conference, they hand out programs, and that's when you find out if you have to speak or not. There are missionaries randomly called to give a cool missionary experience of the week, lead the music, conduct, and give a Christlike Attribute Talk. I thought I was chilling, because my name wasn't on the program, but apparently the Elder assigned to give the CAT wasn't there, so as the program was about to start and people were called up to the stand President Espinosa decided I was going to give the CAT instead. So, instead of the usual 20 minutes you have to prepare, I had about 2. I decided to speak on diligence, which I felt prompted to speak on, and it tied in perfectly to President's workshop which was really cool.
We are teaching a lot of lessons and have people who are really progressing, and its amazing to see them change and grow closer to our Heavenly Father. I can honestly say that I know I'm exactly where the Lord needs me and that I'm doing his work out here in the Philippines. I love the work and I love His Gospel.
-Elder Collier
Picture one- I've managed to get a copy of the Book of Mormon in each of the major languages spoken out here. From the Left- Pangasinan, Ilocano, Tagalog (the one I'm learning first), and English
Picture two is Elder Pangan and I on our way out to one of our malayo (hecka far in English) areas, about an hour walk one way
Picture three is me doing a face mask out on our balcony the night after Zone Conference but also wearing my glasses so I could see what was going on below
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